
Showing posts from October, 2020

Self Driving Future of Automation

          Today,  I wanted to discuss the story: "Fooling self-driving cars by displaying virtual objects" ( Paganini, 2020 ).            The ability to fool self-driving cars is well known and featured in DefCon presentations, Blackhat presentations and numerous news articles such as this one from "The Conversation" discussing how simply adding stickers to street signs or shining flash lights at cars, can fool the self-driving vehicles ( Daley, 2020 ). Still, these are bound to be fixed eventually. Why is the topic so important?           The answer comes from the economic impacts associated with these changes. Individuals working in IT often forget that technology doesn't exist in a vacuum. Technological factors have impacts on the economy. And the economy, in turn, has an impact on the IT industry. Computer Hope ( 2020 ) notes that the cheap cost of computers over people...